E-commerce connecting China and Latin America via digital silk-road


  • Xiaoyu Li Beijing International Studies University, School of Interpreting and Translation, Beijing, China https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6187-8170
  • Yajie Wu Beijing International Studies University, School of Interpreting and Translation, Beijing, China
  • Yifan Wang Beijing International Studies University, School of Interpreting and Translation, Beijing, China
  • Yuexuan Wang Beijing International Studies University, School of Interpreting and Translation, Beijing, China
  • Tong Wen Beijing International Studies University, School of Interpreting and Translation, Beijing, China




Silk-Road E-commerce, China-LAC Cooperation, Policy Coordination, Unimpeded Trade, Facilities Connectivity, People-to-people Bond


Latin America is the natural extension of the “Maritime Silk Road” and its exchanges and cooperation with China have become increasingly frequent in recent years. Under the current globale conomic backdrop, e-commerce as an emerging industry is gaining momentum and playing a bigger role in international  cooperation.  The  Belt  and  Road  top-level  design  features  policy  coordination, unimpededtrade, facilities connectivity and people-to-people bond respectively, which play a guiding role in China-LAC cooperation. Coupled with the status quo, the paper will mainly focus on these four sections so as to better analyze the China-LAC cooperation in Silk-Road E-commerce. This paper intends to analyze China-LAC e-commerce cooperation in fields of policy, trade, facilities, and people-to-people contact and study in which areas still remain room for bilateral cooperation and how can both sides better achieve win-win results under the framework of China’s “Belt and Road Initiative”.


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How to Cite

Li , X. ., Wu, Y. ., Wang, Y. ., Wang, Y. ., & Wen, T. . (2022). E-commerce connecting China and Latin America via digital silk-road. Cuban Journal of Public and Business Administration, 6(1), e200. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6186909