Cooperatives of associated work: questions and answers from the labor law


  • Vivian Aguilar Pascaud Supreme People's Court, Havana, Cuba


Cooperative, legal nature, association, associated work, conventional company, salaried workers


The article aims to present the social profile of cooperatives from a legal approach, and highlight the peculiar features that this form of organization of the company exhibits against the commercial companies with which, often, are often confused. In this sense, it is based on its nature to be able to understand the whole juridical, economic and social framework of the cooperative entity, in particular, of the associated work cooperatives, as a modality that characterizes cooperativism in Cuba, with an emphasis on the nature of the link that is established between the cooperative and its members, and between the first and the work force that it contracts, with the aim of responding to several questions that recurrently arise in relation to the legal nature of the cooperative. this economic subject and, as a derivation of it, the distribution of jurisdiction in the courts to settle the different conflicts that, in the context of current Cuban cooperativism, emerge with an ascending behavior, as a consequence of the new economic scenario of society.


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How to Cite

Aguilar Pascaud, V. . (2018). Cooperatives of associated work: questions and answers from the labor law. Cuban Journal of Public and Business Administration, 2(2), 188–199. Retrieved from