About the Journal

The Cuban Journal of Public and Business Administration is an electronic journal of open access of a scientific-academic nature, edited and published by the Higher School of State and Government Cadres, following the principles of transparency and good practices in academic publications such as those described by Ethics Committee in Publication (Ethics-COPE) , uses the peer review system for the evaluation of articles. The journal receives articles in the languages Spanish and English.

Cuban Journal of Public and Business Administration
Abbreviation apye
Country Cuba
Languages Spanish and English
Topics Economics, economic sciences, public and business administration, government.
Foundation 2017
Publication details
Edited by Higher School of State and Government Cadres
Editorial Director PhD Mercedes Delgado Fernández
Open access Yes
Preservation PKP PN
License CC BY-NC 4.0
Frequency Keep going (Quarterly)
e-ISSN 2664-0856

Focus and scope

The primary objective of this is to provide the dissemination of research work, good practices, scientific, technological, training and management experiences in Cuba and in other regions of the world, contributing to updating and feedback from professionals and managers, as well as discussion and scientific exchange, in the different disciplines of knowledge related to Social Sciences in the field of public and business administration.

The target audience of this publication are directors and professionals of the public and business administration, researchers, professors, students and the general public interested in related topics.

Vision: To be a scientific publication of reference in the different areas of public and business administration in Cuba and in the world, due to the quality of its content.

Shared values: Quality,Humanism,Commitment, Responsibility, Ethics.

Thematic profile

The themes of the journal include aspects, both theoretical, methodological and of application, related to Public and Business Administration, with particular interest in the fields of management, economics, accounting, finance, legal, technology information and communications and sustainable development. The proposals for the design and implementation of public policies, process, product, service and organizational innovations in the public administration and the business system stand out, as well as experiences in the generation of capacities in managers.

Frequency of publication

The content in the journal is published continuously, closing each issue every four months.

Referees Committee

Made up of professionals from different specialties of public and business administration from different institutions in the country and abroad. The referees are active professionals and are evaluated biannually to be ratified or not in their functions, in addition they must comply with the ethical obligations of the referees and with the principles that are described by the Ethics Committee in Publication (Ethics-COPE) .

Section policy

The Cuban Journal of Public and Business Administration publishes 7 sections of articles, these are:


Contribution written by the Editorial Director or an invited expert with the aim of introducing the topics that are dealt with in the articles published in a specific issue of the journal. The editorial is also used to publicize the position or opinion of the journal in relation to a certain topic.

Original article

It is the presentation of an unpublished theoretical, methodological or technological research, which has not been published previously. It is recommended that more than 50% of the bibliographic references be from the last 5 years. Its maximum length is 7500 words.

Review article

Describe and compile the most recent developments or works published on a topic related to the journal. You must submit a bibliographic review. It is recommended that most of the bibliographic references be from the last 5 years and from indexed journals. Its recommended length will be between 5000 and 7500 words.

Good Practices

Describes positive experiences in any field of Public or Business Administration. It can include information on policies, regulations, products, projects, processes, systems and results obtained in public and business administration. It may be around 6000 words long.

Case study

They describe and analyze methodological proposals, results, behavior and practical experiences in one or more cases of interest to the public and business administration. It does not exceed 6000 words.


They constitute articles from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of an author, on a specific topic of public and business administration, subject to original sources. Its length should not exceed 2,500 words.

Technical Report

Reports on products, projects, processes, systems and results obtained in public and business administration. It should not exceed 5000 words. Exceptionally, the Editorial Committee will accept a number of pages higher than recommended and the publication of this type of article.

Peer review process

Papers submitted for publication must be original and unpublished , and not have been published in any other medium. The criteria for selecting articles will be conditioned by their quality and will be subjected to a peer review process.

The selection process begins with the submission of the work by the author or authors in electronic version ( Word document ), you will automatically be formally notified by email of the registration and start of the opinion process of the article, once the article is received, it is subjected to an analysis with the plagiarism detection tool, later if it corresponds to originality, this is initially evaluated by the editorial director to check if they comply with the Drafting Rules and the level required by the journal, then go to the arbitration process.

The articles will be submitted to an opinion process by academic peers under the double blind modality by members of the journal's portfolio of referees, which is made up of renowned academics from national and international institutions. Therefore, it is requested not to incorporate information in the article that allows the identification of the authors.

The opinion can have one of the following results:

  1. Recommended for publication without modifications .
  2. Recommended for publication with minor changes and that do not require a second review by the reviewers.
  3. Its publication is conditioned to the making of important changes , a new review by the reviewers is required. This process can be repeated up to a maximum of three rounds, if at this point the document is still not recommended for publication, the article will be rejected without the option of a new submission. Upon receiving the observations, the author will have a period of 30 (calendar) days to send the editor the new version of the work, if it is done outside this period, the document will initiate a new opinion process.
  4. Not recommended for publication.

The time for the document to be sent to an opinion depends on the number of articles on the waiting list. The referees, once the article is received, will have up to four weeks to review and deliver the result.

Essential aspects for the acceptance of the works

  1. Originality, novelty or validity of the work that is proposed.
  2. State of the art studio quality.
  3. Quality of the work content.
  4. Quality of the exhibition in its structure and writing.
  5. Actuality and importance of bibliographic references.
  6. Compliance with the Drafting Standards.

The main reasons for rejecting a job

  1. Lack of originality.
  2. Insufficient scientific foundation.
  3. Poor study of the state of the art.
  4. The methods and procedures used are not reliable.
  5. Poor bibliographic references in quantity, quality and timeliness.
  6. Is of little interest to the journal audience.

For an article to be published it must have the recommendation of two referees.

Open access

The Cuban Journal of Public and Business Administration is an open access journal, its contents are available for free after publication, it subscribes to the principles of the international Open Access movement established by the Budapest Declaration.

All contributions made to the journal are published and distributed under an International Public License - CC BY-NC 4.0 ( Creative Commons Attribution / Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 ), which allows readers to read, download, copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, remix, transform and build from the material without requiring permissions when publisher or author, provided that authorship is acknowledged and the material is not used for commercial purposes.

Financing model

The Cuban Journal of Public and Business Administration does not charge authors any for the submission of articles and their processing, it is a scientific journal that aims to publish quality non-profit content. The Higher School of State and Government Cadres (publishing institution) has the necessary resources to publish all the issues scheduled for the year. Manuscript submission, processing, and publication offer no cost to authors, it is totally free, and it is a digital journal that does not require a state subsidy.

Ethical issues

The contents of all the journal's publications will comply with the ethical principles established by the Ethics Committee in Publication (Ethics-COPE).

Author / s

All the authors of a manuscript must have contributed significantly to the development of the research, so in the case of co-authorship they must indicate the level of contribution in each of the phases of both the research and the writing of the contribution, following the CRediT taxonomy (for more information https://casrai.org/credit/ )

To protect the integrity of the authorship of the work, only professionals who have collaborated in the research or the project and preparation of the article will be listed as co-authors. The main author attests to the fact that he has included all the co-authors of the work when submitting the request for publication.

Authors should not include in their articles information extracted from other published or unpublished works without proper citation to the source. The author must cite and give adequate attribution to those publications that have influenced and determined the nature of the article to be published in order to guide the reader to previous works that help them understand the published work.

All co-authors must have reviewed the article, agree with the order of their names, with the content and final form, and be in a position to publicly defend its content. When submitting the request for publication of the article, the Editorial Board assumes that this has been fulfilled, under the moral responsibility of the sending author.

The author should not submit changes to the content of his work after it has been accepted and returned to him for proposed corrections. If there is a compelling reason to make changes, the author must inform the Editorial Board and the latter has the authority to approve or not the proposed changes.

The Director or the editor of the Journal may request the justification of the participation of all authors in the case of articles with numerous authorship (more than 6 authors) or in other cases where this information is required.

The author should not fragment his research work for publication. Authors who have carried out their work on a system or group of related systems will organize its publication so that each article gives a complete description of a special aspect of the general study. It is not ethical for an author to submit more than one work describing the same research or project for publication. This unnecessary subdivision scatters scientific information and makes it difficult to collect later. Occasionally, there may be valid reasons for such fragmentation, if this is the case, the authors must justify, in an independent communication to the Editorial Board, the reasons that support this fact.

The journal can correct errors detected after publication, if requested by the authors, as long as the results or basic conclusions are not altered, these corrections can be made up to one month after the work is published. If the errors are of a major nature, retractions or errata on errors that affect the validity of the results obtained may be published, at the discretion of the editors.


The referee must objectively judge the quality of the manuscript on its own merits and respect the intellectual independence of the author or authors. Personal criticism is not appropriate.

You will express your opinions and opinions in an objective, precise, clear, truthful and convincing manner, in particular negative judgments, so that editors and authors can understand the basis of your observations.

Reviewers must be selected in such a way that they have not shared the authorship of the article or collaborated directly in its preparation.

The referee must observe any substantial similarity between the article to be reviewed and any other already published or if he is aware of any similar article submitted to another publication, in either case he must immediately inform the editor.

All the content of an article submitted to arbitration is confidential and property of the authors, it will not be used in any way by the referee, nor will it be exposed in any other way except with the consent of the author and with the appropriate attribution.

Conflicts of interest

The editorial policy of the journal in relation to conflicts of interest establishes that the author or authors are morally obliged to declare if they have personal, financial, professional relationships or academic rivalries that may interfere or influence the judgment of reviewers or editors in connection with the preparation, evaluation or publication of the manuscript. This statement does not invalidate its publication in any way, but it constitutes an element that reviewers deserve to know in order to make an impartial interpretation of the published article. To support impartiality in the face of potential conflicts of interest, funders should not participate in the design, data collection, analysis of the results, or preparation of the manuscript. Authors must always declare the existence or not of a conflict of interest in relation to the submitted article.

Plagiarism detection policy

The Cuban Journal of Public and Business Administration considers plagiarism a serious offense, so all articles before starting the peer review process will be submitted to an originality analysis.

In case of suspicion of plagiarism, an analysis is carried out in which the editorial director, members of the editorial board and the author / s participate, if it is proven that such a fault was incurred, the article will be withdrawn from the process publisher and the author or authors involved, as part of the sanction, may not publish in the Cuban Journal of Public and Business Administration for a period of less than 5 years, the journal will proceed to formally communicate by email to the author of the decision made by the editorial committee.

The journal considers the following bad practices to be suspected of plagiarism:

  • Omission of authorship and what is taken from another text is not indicated with quotation marks.
  • Minimal changes are made to someone else's text (sentence structure is modified, lower case is substituted for upper case or vice versa, synonyms are used) and it is presented as original.
  • Although authorship is noted, the original text is reproduced with a few changes that are not paraphrased.
  • Original authorship reference exists, but source pages are inaccurately flagged.
  • Paraphrasing in which long texts are summarized, but with little or no indication that they are paraphrased.
  • Absence of quotation marks in words and phrases of the original text that are reproduced verbatim.
  • A verbatim quotation continues to play after quotation marks have been closed or it is omitted that the preceding sentences correspond to the same quotation.
  • There is paraphrasing and proper reference to the original source is not made.
  • The paraphrasing is continuous and extensive, no material is added to allow interaction or enrich the information, even though the source is mentioned.
  • Self-plagiarism occurs when a previously published work of one's own is presented as recent. It is the reuse of own material, presented as something new to be.

Self-archiving policy

The journal grants authors the freedom to archive the published version (post-print) on websites, repositories, blogs, academic networks, institutional pages or any other electronic means. The journal encourages its authors to expand the visibility and scope of the articles through their syndication, as long as they indicate that the first publication of the article was made in the Cuban Journal of Public and Business Administration.

Digital preservation policy

In the event of catastrophes or problems in the servers where it is hosted, the Cuban Journal of Public and Business Administration uses PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) with the aim of digitally and automatically preserving all the content published in the journal, which guarantees long-term access, also saves the server and the content in repositories, each time they are obtained. new changes or modifications.