Open convocatory
Dear academics, researchers and executives
We communicate that the call to submit scientific articles to the Cuban Journal of Public and Business Administration with e-ISSN 2664-0856 is permanently open, inviting members of the educational and research communities of different countries and managers, to the publication of the results of their research, in original articles, review articles, good practices and case studies.
The themes of the journal include aspects, both theoretical, methodological and of application, related to various areas of Public and Business Administration.
The proposals for the design and implementation of public policies, process, product, service and organizational innovations in the public administration and the business system stand out, as well as experiences in the generation of capacities in managers.
Among the topics of great interest for publication are local and territorial development, the creation and management of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, government management, innovation in governance and in the business system, digital transformation, industry 4.0, smart cities, sustainable development goals and enabling technologies.
To learn more about our journal you can access through the following links:
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Do not forget to submit your article through our website, maintaining the anonymity of the authors, complying with the guidelines for the author and the policies defined in the journal.
Receive a warm greeting,
Editorial team of the Cuban Journal of Public and Business Administration