Procedure for the training by roles in software production at the University of Computer Science


  • Mailín Ochoa Calzadilla University of Computer Sciences, Havana, Cuba
  • Mercedes Delgado Fernández Higher School of State and Government Cadres, Havana, Cuba


Training, roles, abilities, 360-degree technique, software project


This paper proposes a procedure for the role-oriented training of computer science specialists in software production at the University of Computer Science. Questionnaires are developed to assess the level of development of the skills by roles and it is applied the 360-degree technique. In addition, training needs are determined to bridge gaps identified during the diagnosis. The application of the procedure in a sample of closed projects applications and informatics services of the university demonstrates the need for training aimed at improving the performance of the roles. 


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Author Biographies

Mailín Ochoa Calzadilla, University of Computer Sciences, Havana, Cuba

Director of Human Resources University of Informatics Sciences

Mercedes Delgado Fernández, Higher School of State and Government Cadres, Havana, Cuba

PhD · Associate Professor, Rector


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How to Cite

Ochoa Calzadilla, M. ., & Delgado Fernández, M. . (2018). Procedure for the training by roles in software production at the University of Computer Science. Cuban Journal of Public and Business Administration, 1(2), 120–132. Retrieved from