Quality management in projects: a look from the standard approach


  • Luis Felipe Nápoles University of Holguín, Holguín, Cuba https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3587-4376
  • Maira Rosario Moreno Pino University of Holguín, Holguín, Cuba
  • Raúl Ernesto Batista Moreno Marina de Gaviota, Holguín, Cuba


project quality management, quality management, project, standardized approach


In the article, a study of the regulatory framework of quality management in projects is carried out, according to the standards of the International Organization for Standardization. It aims to offer an interpretation to project managers of what to do? and how to do? to carry out the implementation process of ISO 10006, in harmony with project management practices of ISO 21500 that coexist in organizations. The methods used were theoretical and empirical, among which stand out: analysis and synthesis, induction - deduction, systemic structural, direct observation and documentary review. The quality of projects, according to the ISO 10006 standard, is managed through the planning, establishment and maintenance of a quality management system for each project, structured in processes, with their activities, resources, managers, documented information and references, displayed in the quality plan.


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How to Cite

Felipe Nápoles , L. ., Moreno Pino , M. R. ., & Raúl Ernesto Batista Moreno. (2020). Quality management in projects: a look from the standard approach. Cuban Journal of Public and Business Administration, 4(2), 253–268. Retrieved from https://apye.esceg.cu/index.php/apye/article/view/135