Methodology to evaluate value chains, beta-lactam antibiotics case study


  • Nancy Oña Aldama Center for Research and Development of Medicines (CIDEM), BioCubaFarma, Havana, Cuba
  • Grisel Díaz Baigorría Pharmaceutical Company "March 8", BioCubaFarma, Havana, Cuba
  • Alejandro Saúl Padrón Yaquis Center for Research and Development of Medicines (CIDEM), BioCubaFarma, Havana, Cuba
  • Xenia Madrazo Sagré Pharmaceutical Company "March 8", BioCubaFarma, Havana, Cuba



value chain, antibiotics, beta-lactam, innovation


The idea of value chain is a systemic approach that has evolved upward, its application in the highly globalized Pharmaceutical Industry has allowed its reorganization at the international level. The target of the paper was to apply a methodology that would allow evaluating the value chain of beta-lactam antibiotics. For its development, different methodologies used in various sectors were analyzed, and its state of the art in the generic drugs sector was evaluated. When carrying out the analysis of the value chain of this family of antibiotics, its disarticulation was identified as not all the actors in the links of the chain were involved; the need to innovate differently was demonstrated through developing organizational and process innovations while still taking into account the latent risk of antimicrobial resistance.


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How to Cite

Oña Aldama, N. . ., Díaz Baigorría , G. ., Padrón Yaquis , A. S. ., & Madrazo Sagré , . X. . (2021). Methodology to evaluate value chains, beta-lactam antibiotics case study. Cuban Journal of Public and Business Administration, 5(2), e168.