Activities to design the quality management system in projects
quality, quality management system, quality in projects, processAbstract
This article aims to define a set of general activities that allow the design of a project's quality management system, with an integrative approach between the processes of the ISO 10006 and ISO 21500 standards. To achieve this objective, the authors relied on the nucleus for project management "the activities" and in the process for initiation, planning, implementation and closure of the project. The methods used were theoretical and empirical, among which stand out: analysis and synthesis, induction - deduction, structural systemic, direct observation and documentary review. The main results of the research confirm the relationships between the processes of the ISO 10006 and ISO 21500 standards and offer a way to ensure the planning, establishment and maintenance of the quality management system under the same management focus.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Luis Felipe Nápoles Rojas , Maira Rosario Moreno Pino , Raúl Ernesto Batista Moreno

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