Analysis of citizen perception on the meaning of “good governance” in human rights: case of residents of Portoviejo-Ecuador
Good governance, human rights, citizen satisfaction, surveys,, citizen perceptionAbstract
The present article argues that the perception of a "Good Government" is tied to the quality, frequency, efficacy, and fulfillment of human rights that are the responsibility of the State. These rights include health, education, security, housing, social protection, and employment. This perception of the quality of human rights associated with the services the State provides and in terms of the fulfillment of these rights is directly related to the shaping of the citizen's perspective on the meaning of "Good Government." The aim is to determine a hierarchy of human rights that the citizens of Portoviejo associate with their notion of Good Government and to analyze their satisfaction regarding the fulfillment of human rights within the Portoviejo canton. This research hopes to contribute to development at any government level by validating the principles of government administration, which are to encourage participation in decision-making within the public administration and to define the priorities of the citizens that are within the purview of the State.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Federico Del Giorgio Solfa , Ticiana A. Alvarado Wall , Guido Amendolaggine
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