At the crossroads of european diplomacy: Belarus is a venue of dialogue for cooperation between East and West


  • Olga Vazhnik Academy of Public Administration under the aegies of the President of the Republic of Belarus, State University, Republic of Belarus


conflict resolution, pole of stability, venue for negotiations, peaceful settlement, international forums, development of cooperation


Nowadays people face a wide range of problems: conflict resolution, illegal migration, terrorism, drug trafficking, environmental protection. Today Belarus is increasingly perceived as a "pole of stability" and being the geographical center of Europe, it is the place to resolve urgent issues. Minsk, the capital of Belarus has become a recognized venue for negotiations to promote peaceful settlement in Ukraine. Besides in 2017 Belarus has hosted a number of major international forums: events organized as part of the country's presidency of the Central European Initiative; the 26th Annual Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe; the Collective Security Treaty Organization summit. It is obvious recognition of a new role of Belarus. Belarus is building bridges. Minsk has proved to be a venue of dialogue between conflict parties, between different countries, between East and West for the development of regional, subregional and global cooperation. 


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Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus. Foreign Policy of the Republic of Belarus. [Consulted 10th Jan 2017]. Available from:

Meeting to discuss Belarus’ priorities in foreign politics at the present stage. [Consulted 11th July 2017]. Available from:

Vladimir Makei. Conflict Resolution from Nagorno-Karabakh to Ukraine is a key task of the OSCE. [Consulted 7th December 2017]. Available from:

Presidency of the Republic of Belarus of the Central European Initiative in 2017. [Consulted 4th Feb 2017]. Available from:

Lukashenko. Belarusian initiative "Helsinki-2" reflects concern over the negative trends in the regional. [Consulted 11th July 2017]. Available from:

East and West seen as equally important partners for Belarus. [Consulted 11th July 2017]. Available from:

Belarus' CSTO presidency described as eventful, responsible and professional. [Consulted 30th November 2017]. Available from:

Lukashenko. Belarus is a consistent supporter of active interaction in the CSTO. [Consulted 30th November 2017]. Available from:

Go ahead for legislation on CSTO partnership with third countries. [Consulted 30th November 2017]. Available from:

Agreement on cooperation in security signed at CSTO summit in Minsk. [Consulted 30th November 2017]. Available from:

Lukashenko about the atmosphere of the CSTO summit: an open and principled conversation of the closest States in the world. [Consulted 30th November 2017]. Available from:



How to Cite

Vazhnik , O. (2018). At the crossroads of european diplomacy: Belarus is a venue of dialogue for cooperation between East and West. Cuban Journal of Public and Business Administration, 1(2), 174–181. Retrieved from