Perceptive analysis of entrepreneurs in some cantones of Los Rios province, Ecuador
entrepreneurship, local development, sustainability, surveyAbstract
Most of the entrepreneurship are made up of small businesses and microenterprises that have a high representation in Los Ríos province, Ecuador, on which many families depend to take their livelihoods home, in addition to contributing to services and supplies in each canton. This article aims to obtain a perception of the characteristics of these companies, determining their strengths and weaknesses and thus make proposals that eliminate or mitigate obstacles and increase efficiency in each case. Among the results that stood out is that there is consensus on the importance of entrepreneurship for the employability and services that the population receives.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Manuel Francisco Morales Haz, Laura Eugenia Tachong Alencastro , Mario Herrera Soler
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