Validation of a questionnaire on circularity in the agroindustrial food sector




vertical farming, bioeconomy, life cycle, ecodesign, innovation


There is no common value for an organization's circularity level (NC) to evaluate its performance. The objective of this article was to validate a questionnaire to establish the NC in the agroindustrial food sector. For this purpose, a group of 16 experts was created who designed a 46-item questionnaire with a scale from 0 to 100 points, in five ranges of 20 points each for five NCs of Very Low, Low, Medium, High and Very High circularity. equivalent to the stages of Linearity, Transition, Circularity and Sustainability. It was applied to 10 different Cuban production organizations, some with certified management systems (SG). The questionnaire can be used in an evaluation methodology and as a checklist for compliance with the requirements of a standard for the certification of circularity in Cuba.


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How to Cite

Anaya Villalpanda , M. (2023). Validation of a questionnaire on circularity in the agroindustrial food sector. Cuban Journal of Public and Business Administration, 7(3), e228.