The socialist property and the planning: two pillars on the actualization of the economic and social cuban model of the socialist development


  • Martín Irián Barrios Rivera Higher School of State and Government Cadres, Havana, Cuba
  • Marlenys Martínez Clapé Higher School of State and Government Cadres, Havana, Cuba


properties ways, socialist property, planning, market


This paper is about the relation between the socialist economic theory in development, basing in the Cuban experience and the proposed postulates in the Conceptualization of the Economic and Social Cuban model of Socialist Development, in the concert to the two principles pillars of the socialism: socialist property and planning. The texts demonstrate that the actualization of the model is for the continuity of the Cuban socialism development in the new historic conditions, looking for the prosperity of the society and the maintainable development of the system.


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How to Cite

Barrios Rivera, M. I. ., & Martínez Clapé, M. . (2018). The socialist property and the planning: two pillars on the actualization of the economic and social cuban model of the socialist development. Cuban Journal of Public and Business Administration, 2(1), 14–21. Retrieved from