A prospective approach to the development of the Higher School of State and Government Cadres towards the year 2021
university, prospective, analysis, variables, sceneries, visionAbstract
It is imperative to continuously improve the quality of Cuban higher education, bearing in mind the vision of the future and the guidelines contained in the documents of the 7th. Congress of the Party, approved by the III Plenum of the Central Committee of the PCC and supported by the National Assembly of the People's Power in the year 2017. The article synthesizes, the prospective approach applied with the objective of paving the way to achieve the Higher School of the State and Government Chiefs that the country needs in the year 2021. The use of the scenario method was novel, for which a multidisciplinary team was created in the interest of collective reflection, which allowed the systemic and dialectical approach in the analysis and proposal of future scenarios to achieve the vision in the year 2021.
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