An innovative intends for smart and sustainable cities: contribution to training of cadres in the public administration
smart sustainable cities, sustainable development, cadre’s formation, open innovation, urban labsAbstract
The need to answer urgently to the environmental, economic and social challenges undertaken by the humanity, together the vertiginous advance of the information and telecommunication technologies, under the stamp of the digital transformation, are the base of the increasing interest on smart and sustainable cities. In this paper, international concepts and best practices on the implementation of smart cities are depicted, with the view of analyzing national needs and strengthening to deploy these development models. Particularly, the method of capacity building for cadres developed during two years in the Higher School of cadres of the State and the Government is described. Additionally, some mechanisms for incentivize open innovation to facilitate the renovation of cities and communities, so contributing of the wellbeing of their citizen and to build a more sustainable and prosperous society, are also presented.
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