Administration of agricultural machinery for efficient management and mitigate climate change




agriculture, soil, mechanization services, management


Agriculture requires the application of mechanized means (tools, implements and equipment) to increase food production. However, agricultural mechanization can cause unfavorable environmental effects and contribute to soil degradation, which is why the efficient management of agricultural machinery constitutes one of the main challenges to guarantee sustainable development and food security for the world's population. In this work, the authors' criteria are presented on some necessary principles in the administration of agricultural machinery in Cuba for efficient management and mitigating climate change.


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How to Cite

Domínguez Vento , C., Miranda Caballero, A., Guilherme de Araújo , A., & Paneque Rondón, P. (2024). Administration of agricultural machinery for efficient management and mitigate climate change. Cuban Journal of Public and Business Administration, 8(1), e305.