Secure software development lifecycle at datys company
lifecycle, development, software, security, efficiencyAbstract
Addressing security too late in the SDLC, after the most important analysis, design, and development tasks have been completed, creates efficiency and security issues, as the cost of fixing vulnerabilities increases the later in the cycle, and may require all software to be redeveloped and tested. Assuming a traditional SDLC in the DATYS company has had an impact on the fact that its production process, although effective, is not entirely efficient, since - in general - the software solutions to be certified and released must go through multiple iterations, incurring hours man extra plan, and in many cases delaying its completion. This article projects the transformation of the DATYS company's SDLC to a secure development life cycle (SSDLC) by systematically integrating security aspects into each phase of the development life cycle.
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