Lessions learned system and process cubano local development projects
knowledge management, lessons learned, project learning, local development, project successAbstract
The article aims to develop a system of lessons learned to support municipal stakeholders in the management of local development projects and apply the process of identification, codification and dissemination of knowledge to a sample of projects. The methodology used was based on the creation of a database system in Microsoft Access and the execution of a lessons learned process selected from the literature consulted. The application of the proposed methods contributes to the management of knowledge generated on specific topics in projects and supports theoretical postulates found in the literature about their relevance to contribute to learning based on experience in project management environments. For the implementation and sustainability of the proposal, it is necessary to take into account critical success factors regarding the basic people pillar, in particular, the leadership of decision-makers and the development of a culture of knowledge dissemination. Due to the size and nature of the sample used, more research is required to verify the results in other Cuban settings.
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