Procedure for risk management of processes of a management system
Risks Management, Evaluation of Risks, Integrated Management of Risks, Strategic Planning, Assessment of RisksAbstract
A procedure for risk management was designed, with applicability to all the processes of a Management System, based on the need to develop risk management as an integral part of the administration process. The procedure performs a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the estimated risk values, both from a strategic and economic-financial point of view, and consists of nine elements: Communication and consult, Establishment of the context, Identification of risks, Assessment, Evaluation, Determination of the level of vulnerability of the Organization, Treatment of risks, Monitoring and control, and Communication of risks. These elements were matched with the cycle Planning-Do-Check-Act. The procedure was validated in a Research, Development and Innovation center located at Mayabeque province, Cuba, and was used to identify and evaluate risks associated with the Strategic Planning process in the entity, determining that this process has a medium value of risk, so the associated risks moderately affect the success of the strategic project.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Lindsay Rojas Roque, Adriana González Luis, Javier Rivero Villar, Aleika Yglesia Lozano, Nivian Montes de Oca Martínez
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