Comparative study of software for strategic planning of information systems
Strategic planning, information systems, planning software, evaluation criteria, technological surveillanceAbstract
The strategic planning of information systems is a critical process in organizations that intend to maintain a constant level of innovation. This involves cognitive and organizational efforts that demand efficient and effective management of the information generated during this process. The basis for managing information lies in having a good computer system that allows retrieving information from multiple perspectives, associated with interests of different roles that are involved in the planning process. Based on these considerations, it is defined as the objective of this paper, to carry out a first version of a comparative study of software for the strategic planning of information systems, based on the identification of useful criteria by technological surveillance. With the monitoring, 13 criteria were identified. The selection decision constitutes a strategic decision to be considered by the organizations.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Jeffrey Blanco González, Yadary Cecilia Ortega González, Marta Beatriz Infante Abreu

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