Rethinking the electronic government: one-stop shop, sustainable services and digital government focused on innovation



Electronic Government, digital Government, interoperability, one-stop shop, sustainable services


Starting from the main limitations of the e-government maturity levels adopted in most initiatives, mainly in developing countries, this paper aims to evaluate modern sources of electronic government evolution. The goal is extracting valid recommendations to be applied in the deployment of a digital government at local level in Cuba. Particular emphasis is made on processing services and the one-stop shop due to its importance in the current stage of the implementation of this initiative in Cuba. The two key aspects provided by the most recent maturity models discussed in this article focus on the sustainability of services and the use of data for improving the quality of life of citizen and achieving a more effective management of the public administration. Finally, the article discusses a group of perspectives that should be considered in a rethinking of e-Government, based on the analysis of good practices and the reference models evaluated.


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How to Cite

Delgado Fernández, T. ., & Sánchez Díaz, A. . (2018). Rethinking the electronic government: one-stop shop, sustainable services and digital government focused on innovation. Cuban Journal of Public and Business Administration, 2(3), 254–267. Retrieved from