The thought of Fidel Castro Ruz on economic and social development


  • Martín Irián Barrios Rivera Higher School of State and Government Cadres, Havana, Cuba
  • Marlenys Martínez Clapé Higher School of State and Government Cadres, Havana, Cuba


thought, transformation, social development, sustainable development, economic growth


The article evaluates the economic and social thinking of Fidel Castro, which was formed with Marti - Marxist - Leninist ideas as the foundation and basis for achieving the category of an integral revolutionary thought, whose repercussion is the result of becoming the maximum leader of the Cuban Revolution, being the architect of the radical changes in the Cuban society and reverberating in turn in the history of many countries of Latin America and the world. It also highlights the elements that have shaped it, meaning its vision of economic development, which in underdeveloped countries is only possible with the triumph of socialism and which must be inextricably linked to social development. It is emphasized, that the economic and social development must be sustainable and in the validity of their thinking for the new generations, committed to following their example and their ideas to defend a project like the one built by Cuba, inserted in the complex reality of capitalism contemporary.


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How to Cite

Barrios Rivera, M. I. ., & Martínez Clapé, M. . (2019). The thought of Fidel Castro Ruz on economic and social development. Cuban Journal of Public and Business Administration, 3(2), 199–213. Retrieved from