Bases to strengthen exports of software and computer services in the country
Software and computer services export, Software industry, prospective, strategyAbstract
The Software Industry has shown remarkable growth worldwide, for its innovative nature and knowledge. Cuba is immersed in the updating of its economic model, which aims to achieve a productive, efficient and sustainable system, where The Software Industry plays an important role in the computerization of Cuban society and in the implementation of the Guidelines for Economic and Social Policy of the Party and the Revolution. Cuba has ventured into this industry, but its results are below those expected. The objective of this article is to establish the bases for the strengthening of exports of computer software and services in Cuba, with the purpose of increasing exportable income and contributing to the economic development of the country. The scientific methods were used: work with the sources, analytical-synthetic, of the prospective. Matrix techniques, cause-effect and Pareto diagrams, and 7S model were used.
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