Procedure for the integrated evaluation of the performance of a postgraduate university


  • Daysi de los Milagros Peña Torres Higher School of State and Government Cadres, Havana, Cuba
  • Mercedes Delgado Fernández Higher School of State and Government Cadres, Havana, Cuba


performance evaluation, 360 technique, human resource management, quality management, innovation


The objective of the article is to propose a procedure to comprehensively evaluate performance at the Higher School of Cadres of the State and Government of Cuba, based on compliance with the requirements established in the Quality Management System according to ISO 9004: 2018, the Internal Control System, the regulations of Human Resources Management, the Policies and directives of the Ministry of Higher Education, as well as the provisions and strategies outlined by the entity. Different methods are implemented to evaluate the individual performance of the workers and the organization in the four edges established according to the technique. Different methods are implemented to evaluate performance on the four edges established according to the 3600 technique that allow corrective and preventive decisions to be made with a philosophy of continuous improvement for the University.


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How to Cite

Peña Torres, D. de los M. ., & Delgado Fernández, M. . (2020). Procedure for the integrated evaluation of the performance of a postgraduate university. Cuban Journal of Public and Business Administration, 4(1), 106–121. Retrieved from