Environmental costs as a determining factor in the fracking analysis for the municipality of Chiquinquirá (Boyacá)
environment, environmental assessment, measurement, environmental impactAbstract
This research analyzes the most important factors and variables that affect the assessment and quantification of the environmental costs produced by fracking, and its impact in an environmental, economic and social context in the municipality of Chiquinquirá (Boyacá). In the rural area of Chiquinquirá, this practice of exploiting unconventional hydrocarbons has generated different problems at a social, economic and environmental level, causing a significant detriment to the well-being of the population in this sector in the country, both for the environment as for the quality of life of the inhabitants. The methodology was developed under a descriptive analysis with a quantitative approach. The results obtained show the most relevant indicators that affect the assessment of environmental costs by the company that is carrying out fracking in the rural area of the municipality of Chiquinquirá (Boyacá).
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