Methodology of dashboard and balanced scorecard in government management oriented to innovation
Balanced Scorecard, Dashboard, management, government, innovation, computerization, Digital TransformationAbstract
The article aims to propose a methodology for obtaining Dashboards and Balanced Scorecards for government management oriented towards innovation, considering the conceptual and legal framework, the objectives and indicators identified. The methodology is supported in three stages and 11 steps. The partial results achieved with the construction of the Dashboards and the indicators identified in the first stage are presented. The generalization capacity of this methodology is demonstrated by its implementation in obtaining the Dashboards corresponding to the organisms of the central administration of the state, organs, national entities and the macroprograms of the National Plan for Economic and Social Development to 2030, to through collaborative work deployed for the generation of knowledge and decision making.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Omara Aldama López, Mercedes Delgado Fernández, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez
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